Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tick-Tock Times Running out!

My life has been all fun but now i realize TIMES RUNNING OUT! Times running out for family time,friends,and shopping! I dont have time for anything because of school... its really disturbing! I never get to hang out with friends or to shop around. I never get to practice my art because i always have homework. My Thanksgiving break was awesome! I got to do everything i wanted to, but i still had homework! UGHHH! I hate MEDLIN! Seriously why can't we have only classwork? My parents never get to talk to me and have special occasions, like birthdays, because i always have homework! Like i got in trouble for not doing my hw because i HAD to go to my cousins birthday, she turned 16! It was a family thing and i went and didnt do my homework! I HATE IT!

~ Hating School,
Kamal Sidhu