Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tick-Tock Times Running out!

My life has been all fun but now i realize TIMES RUNNING OUT! Times running out for family time,friends,and shopping! I dont have time for anything because of school... its really disturbing! I never get to hang out with friends or to shop around. I never get to practice my art because i always have homework. My Thanksgiving break was awesome! I got to do everything i wanted to, but i still had homework! UGHHH! I hate MEDLIN! Seriously why can't we have only classwork? My parents never get to talk to me and have special occasions, like birthdays, because i always have homework! Like i got in trouble for not doing my hw because i HAD to go to my cousins birthday, she turned 16! It was a family thing and i went and didnt do my homework! I HATE IT!

~ Hating School,
Kamal Sidhu

1 comment:

Kris said...

haha You are only 12, everyone your age are going through wat you are rite now........
Enjoy what ever you do..... it helps...... its better to hard work now so it'll all pay off later in life......

btw this blog address "" belonged to me until about 5 months ago. I used it for 4-5 years. Been a lucky addy.
Just typed in to see whats goin on with it :P.

anywayz tc, hav fun
Cheers !